Father Maurice LeBlanc, Acadian open to the world

Réal Boudreau, the instigator of the book.

PHOTO: Jean-Philippe Giroux

This is the book Father Maurice LeBlanc, an Acadian open to the world. Most Acadians in southwestern Nova Scotia and many others elsewhere in Acadia in the Maritimes knew Father Maurice. This book is intended to be a presentation of Father Maurice LeBlanc.

The latter died suddenly on February 12, 2021 at the age of 96. The book presents his life beginning with his childhood in Pubnico-Ouest, his family ties and relationships with family members, his formal studies, his religious vocation, his teaching career at Collège Sacré-Cœur in Bathurst and at Université Sainte-Anne, his multiple travels, his affinity for the arts (music, painting and theater), his commitment to the artistic and Acadian communities, his little vices as well as the disappointments and challenges he met.

Réal Boudreau, nephew of Father Maurice, is the instigator of the book. He noted that the book is especially aimed at all those who knew him: his former students, parishioners and fellow priests, co-artists and musicians, as well as members of the Acadian community and especially his family with whom he had a much appreciated relationship.

The book is written in French by Marc Poirier and was translated into English by Sally Ross, herself an author of Acadian history books. There are around thirty photos in the approximately 200 pages.

The author of Father Maurice LeBlanc, Acadian open to the worldMarc Poirier.

PHOTO: Courtesy

One side of the book is in French and the other in English. Both sides contain 12 chapters. It was published by La Grande Marée, a publishing house in Tracadie, New Brunswick.

Mr. Boudreau indicated that it was friends and colleagues of Father Maurice who contacted him around 2013, just after the death of Father Maurice’s sister, Roseline, wondering who would take care of a book on his life. “So I convinced my uncle to change his will to ensure funding for this project. After his death in 2021, I surrounded myself with people (especially Sally Ross and Euclide Chiasson) who gave advice and who suggested the author, Marc Poirier, to write the book, which he did. »

Father LeBlanc was a member of the Eudist congregation and provided Catholic religious services in two parishes in Argyle for almost 20 years towards the end of his life. He taught at two post-secondary institutions for approximately 40 years, served as president of the Nova Scotia Federation, and led marching bands and choirs for over 50 years, among other major accomplishments, in addition to his many services of a Catholic priest at the service of his countless faithful.

“He was also a great traveler, a bulimic of everything that was culture, heritage and history. An artist himself, he was a musician and painter, in addition to being involved in various community, cultural and activist organizations.we can read in the summary of the book.

“The book presents the life of my uncle, but also the history of the Acadian people established in southwestern Nova Scotia for more than 375 years, as well as the history of modern Acadia through its educational institutions. teaching and the more recent struggles to preserve one’s rights,” indicated Mr. Boudreau in his preface.

“The text is accompanied by some photos which tell their own little stories. Several people experienced it, but not all at the same time or for the same reasons or during the same activities. So it’s to give a holistic insight into this man’s life to the people who have come in and out of his life over the years.”

Mr. Poirier, a former journalist for the Société -, who did not know Father Maurice, began writing the book in 2023. He was based mainly on the daily diary of Father Maurice, which he maintained every day for over 50 years. This is the first book by this author.

The book will be available for sale at the launch for $28.95 (cash) and is also available from La Grande Marée (grandemaree.refc.ca – 506 395-9436).

It will also be available for purchase shortly at local bookstores and stores.



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