A new study* from the Interregional Book and Reading Federation (Fill) based on data collected from 15 metropolitan regions and three overseas communities, thanks to the network of regional book structures (SRL), highlights highlight the diversity of actors while allowing regional comparisons.
Post-Covid growth
The post-Covid context has profoundly influenced these figures, marked by the dynamism of book structures, varied, but with a fragile economy. The crisis served as a catalyst for certain projects, while changing readers’ habits. Bookstores, unsurprisingly, have seen their role reinforced as places of proximity and cultural exchange, despite starving margins.
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In 2022, Fill recorded the creation of 142 new bookstores. Of the 1,801 bookstores in the study, 21% are located in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, helping to reduce inequalities in access to reading.
Specialization is also a key differentiating factor, particularly in comics/manga and children’s literature, which represent 40% and 18% of specialized bookstores respectively.
Economically vulnerable bookstores
Despite this dynamic, a majority (53%) of bookstores record a turnover of less than 300,000 euros. This context pushes for the development of hybrid economic models, where bookstores play the role of cultural mediators within their territory.
The French publishing landscape is marked by a strong presence in the region: 1,475 publishing houses are listed there. Nearly 28% of these structures have a catalog of more than 100 titles, testifying to increased professionalism and a certain longevity.
A rich editorial fabric with a fragile economy
The genres worked show a notable diversity, ranging from novels and poetry, particularly in Occitanie and Hauts-de-France, to regionalism and children’s literature, the latter being particularly dynamic in the Grand Est thanks to regional ecosystems. dedicated. This highlights a strong territorial anchoring, favored by local dynamics (specialized schools, festivals, authors’ collectives).
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In terms of turnover, however, a majority (67%) of publishers in the region generate less than 75,000 euros per year, highlighting a fragile economic reality. Diffusion-distribution remains a strategic issue, with only 50% of houses entrusting this function to specialized players. This disparity is often explained by the absence of major regional broadcasters.
Challenges and opportunities
This report highlights the challenges faced by book stakeholders in the region, with a necessary structuring of distribution, the sustainability of small publishing houses and the transfer of independent bookstores with a turnover of less than one million euros. However, it also highlights the opportunities offered by the territorial anchoring of structures and local cultural policies, in a context of decline in public finances and revision of the Culture pass system. With this study, La Fill highlights publishing and independent bookstores which assert themselves as pillars of regional cultural life in a world marked by a concentration of digital giants.
*Find the entire study in the attached document to the left of the article.
The sector delivers by region in figures
- Publishing houses: 166
- Independent bookstores: 333
- Literary events: 2,646
- Population rate served by a library: 94%
- Publishing houses: 59
- Independent bookstores: 95
- Literary events: 1,075
- Population rate served by a library: 81%
- Publishing houses: 118
- Independent bookstores: 179
- Literary events: 1,034
- Population rate served by a library: 96%
Center-Val de Loire
- Publishing houses: 64
- Independent bookstores: 80
- Literary events: 792
- Population rate served by a library: 89%
- Publishing houses: 10
- Independent bookstores: 8
- Literary events: 65
- Population rate served by a library: 47%
Great East
- Publishing houses: 84
- Independent bookstores: 130
- Literary events: 1,335
- Population rate served by a library: 80%
- Publishing houses: 56
- Independent bookstores: 75
- Literary events: 1,215
- Population rate served by a library: 79%
- Publishing houses: 131
- Independent bookstores: 102
- Literary manifestations: 694
- Population rate served by a library: 80%
New Aquitaine
- Publishing houses: 247
- Independent bookstores: 221
- Literary events: 1,883
- Population rate served by a library: 91%
- Publishing houses: 247
- Independent bookstores: 264
- Literary events: 1,950
- Population rate served by a library: 92%
Loire region
- Publishing houses: 101
- Independent bookstores: 99
- Literary events: 1,005
- Population rate served by a library: 95%
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- Publishing houses: 144
- Independent bookstores: 182
- Literary manifestations: 692
- Population rate served by a library: 94%
Overseas (selection)
- Reunion :
- Publishing houses: 37
- Independent bookstores: 28
- Literary events: 71
- New Caledonia :
- Publishing houses: 9
- Independent bookstores: 2
- Literary events: 21
- Mayotte :
- Publishing houses: 2
- Independent bookstores: 3
- Literary events: 13
Source Fill – 2022-2024
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