He has lived in Saint-Savin for twelve years. But Bruno Chiari lived most of his life in the United States, with stays in Ukraine. This man with an atypical career has just published his first book, at the age of 69, United States, Russia, I love you neither (1).
“Writing a book represented
a real challenge
In my opinion “
Corsican origins – he spent all his childhood summers on the island of beauty -, studies as a chartered accountant – economics then business psychology or software creation, a job as a cook, nothing prepared a priori to become a writer. “When I was in high school, French and writing were not my strong points. Writing a book was a real challenge for me! »
Based in Poitou for family reasons, Bruno Chiari first created an American cuisine restaurant in Montmorillon, until 2017.
“Since I retired, it was the war between Russia and Ukraine that pushed me to write. I knew Ukraine from having lived there, and I had foreseen, from June 2021, because of certain signs, the outbreak of this war. I therefore wrote to President Macron to alert him, three times. In the third letter, I specified the date of the start of hostilities. In vain. Despite the incredulous naivety of most commentators, I continued writing, amazed at the discrepancy between the ignorance of so-called “specialists” and my own prescience. »
“I like conciseness”
Hachette accepted the manuscript in two weeks and, after four corrections, had it published by Baudelaire. It has been in bookstores since last November. “My goal is to make people understand that those who have power do not necessarily have knowledge, to invite people to learn about history because facts repeat themselves, explained Bruno Chiari. I also see that there is a correlation between weak training and voting for those who do not appeal to intelligence but to emotions. »
The book has 67 pages in total. “I like conciseness and so I went to the essentials, to be sure that I will be read and understood. If I can arouse curiosity, make readers want to find out more, I will have achieved my goal. » Saint-Savinois has two other books in progress, one on Western democracies, the other on taxation.
(1) On the 4e The cover reads: “Dive into the heart of a power strategy that, if left unchecked, will shape the future. An insightful analysis of American maneuvers on the international stage. »