Beautiful book: an enchanted stroll in Montanérès

Beautiful book: an enchanted stroll in Montanérès
Beautiful book: an enchanted stroll in Montanérès

The editorial team advises you

Between Bigorre and Béarn, this little piece of Gascony nevertheless has its particularities. To the point that it spans the administrative regions and was even among the precursors of the “cross-border” communities of communes, between North-East Béarn and Adour Madiran. In total, 11 municipalities refer to it today: Bentayou-Sérée, Casteide-Doat, Castera-Loubix, Labatut-Figuières, Lamayou-Maure, Montaner, Monségur, Ponson-Debat-Pouts, Pontiacq- and Sedze-Maybecq . Eleven municipalities which serve as a link between the two provinces which are as close as they are cousins.

The editorial team advises you

26 watercolorists and 27 authors

To produce this work, the association succeeded in bringing together to talk about this little piece of country no less than 26 watercolorists and 27 authors who all evoke the history and charms of this part of Béarn with its very particular features. Note the rich bibliography which shows that much has already been written on the subject!

The watercolors illuminate the texts which speak as much about the fauna as the flora or the local heritage and traditions, and also leave the floor largely to the inhabitants who speak of their professions, their hopes, and their uprooting. also sometimes.

A great way to explore a country that's not so lost!

“Itinérances in Montanérès, from yesterday to today”, by the Montanérès Association, 298 pages, 39 euros.




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