Book and public reading

Book and public reading
Book and public reading

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Key figures for the book sector

The Key Figures for the Book Sector, published each year by the Book Economy Observatory of the Book and Reading Service of the DGMIC, bring together in 4 pages the latest statistical data available on recent developments in the book market In .

The National Book Center

The National Book Center aims to support the entire book chain (authors, publishers, booksellers, libraries, book and reading promoters), and in particular the creation and dissemination of the most technically demanding works. literary. It awards loans and grants after advice from specialized commissions. The interventions of the National Book Center meet an objective of both a cultural and economic nature: of a cultural nature through support for literary creation and the dissemination of works to the public, and of an economic nature through support to the economic risk-taking that accompanies the choices, in terms of creation and broad cultural dissemination, of partners in the book chain, and in particular publishers and booksellers.

The website of the National Book Center (“help” section)
LIR label: independent reference bookstores
VAL: help for promoting funds in bookstores

The “independent reference bookstore” label

The study carried out jointly by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the SLF and the SNE, the report of the “Book 2010” mission and that of Antoine Gallimard, submitted during 2007, have underlined the fragility of the economic situation of independent bookstores and recommended making the maintenance and development of these businesses one of the priorities of book policy. The amended finance law of December 25, 2007 established the principle of a reference independent bookstore label, opening the possibility for local authorities to exempt these labeled bookstores from professional tax (article 1464 I of the general tax code).


> book and public reading advisor : Katia Leloutre, tel.: +262 (0)2 62 21 94 48

> assistant: Geneviève Mourouvaya, tel.: +262 (0)2 62 21 97 80




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