Around fifty authors gathered for the book fair in Namur

Around fifty authors gathered for the book fair in Namur
Around fifty authors gathered for the book fair in Namur

Like the previous year, the show will take place within the walls of the Institut Saint-Louis Namur, in a glass room larger than the former location of Malonne Abbey. “We thus attract another audience who comes from a little further away to satisfy the authors.“, explains Claire Monville. What better way to welcome the participating Namurois feathers, whose number has doubled since the first edition.

Organized since 2014, the Namur Authors’ Book Fair has established itself as a unique event in the province of Namur.

It was created under the leadership of the author Jean-François Pacco, wishing to remedy the absence of an event dedicated to Namur literature in all its forms. Ten years later, the growing number of local talents present still attests to the appeal of this show.

Saturday December 30 and Sunday December 1 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the Institut Saint-Louis, rue Pépin, 7. Free entry.

0474 335 400 –

The authors present at the show

Saturday and Sunday: Hélène Adam, Michaël Adam, Julien Adans, Hugues Alexan, Revue alluMeuse, Anne Amram, Frédérique Badoux, Emma Bay, Sophie Carré, ASBL Cognelée, Jean-Michel Debry, Pascale Dechamps, Patrice d’Hautrecourt, Jean-Pierre de Hortius, Bruno Dinant, Frédéric Ernotte, Guy Flahaux, Guy Focant, Donatienne Gautier, Guy Gilquin, Geneviève Guevara, Étienne Guillaume, Red Herrings, Marie-Monique Houart, Benoi Lacroix, Paola Lahaut, Bernadette Latour, Jean-Pierre Ledoux, Mireille Maquoi, Jean-François Pacco, Sébastien Puissant, Jean-Jacques Richard, Amélie Romarin, Véronique Seran, Carine Stage, Thierry Stasiuk, Laurence Thirion, Didier Vanden Heede, Verardo Sonia, Josiane Wolff.

Saturday only: Laurent Aidans, Delphine Coipel, Jacques Degeye, Claude Delisse, Aurore Delwiche, Claude Donnay, François-Xavier Heynen, Jacques Lagneaux, Johan Lenaerts, Sarah Luypaert, Bruno Maree, Jean-Luc Rousseau.

Sunday only : Renaud Delmelle, Brigitte Guilbau, Antonia Iliescu, Jean-Hubert Mabille, Martine Roland.



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