Pontvallain. On July 10, the children’s book opens to summer

Pontvallain. On July 10, the children’s book opens to summer
Pontvallain. On July 10, the children’s book opens to summer

“Partir en livre” is a major event for children’s books, bringing together children, adolescents and parents around a party at the Aubigné-Racan lake.

We benefit from the “Odyssée” network of thirteen libraries, employees and nearly a hundred volunteers in the area. We offer key events for readers and we organize the complementarity of reading offers. For this free festival, which opens the book to the summer, we have chosen to centralize it on Aubigné-Racan, knowing that the event will rotate over the years, in other municipalities. explained François Boussard, president of the Sud Sarthe community of communes.

Nicolas Mourier, mayor of Aubigné Racan, welcomes this choice. This will allow us to showcase our lake and the surrounding natural space, which we will inaugurate on Saturday July 6, giving it the name Espace Michel-Royer. he explained.

Céline Milles, reading coordinator in South Sarthe, presented the party in more detail. This Wednesday, July 10, we are particularly targeting children up to 14 years old. We will have 25 exhibitors, the network’s libraries, the presence of Radio Prévert, various associations, the Equip’ages social center and the booksellers of La Flèche and Le Lude. There will also be several activities, workshops by Claude Ponti, Solène Chartier and Anne Sophie Baumann, games too, a presentation of Japanese storybook images, a quiz with the possibility of winning book vouchers, and finally a space swap books…

Around 6:30 p.m., the event will conclude with a storytelling show. A food truck will also be on site with a refreshment bar and a crepe stand.

Information and complete programming on the website www.comcomsudsarthe.fr and from Céline Milles, reading coordinator, 06 44 28 14 14. Email: [email protected]



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