concrete actions for a more ecological book trade

concrete actions for a more ecological book trade
concrete actions for a more ecological book trade

From the National Bookstore Meetings in Angers, in 2022, the ecological footprint of the bookstore has emerged as a subject of primary importance, in the eyes of the profession and the employers’ union, the SLF.

At the time, its young Sustainable Development commission — now named the Ecology commission — had compiled a guide to good practices and improvement approaches in favor of the ecological transition in bookstores.

Documentation that is growing

The ecological subject, which has only recently emerged in the field of books and in particular bookstores, is now receiving increased attention. As proof, the documentation on the subject has grown considerably in a few months.

The Association for Book Ecology, created in June 2019, has animated, and sometimes sparked, the debate, by asking central questions for the book industry. Other interlocutors joined the discussions, such as the Interregional Book and Reading Federation and regional structures, which are now conducting training programs.

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The European and International Federation of Booksellers, last March, also looked into the subject, carrying out a study, accompanied by a guide of actions and suggestions for balancing the carbon footprint of its business.

Act at all levels

The 2nd edition of the SLF Ecology Commission guide is more detailed and even enhanced with testimonies from professionals who have taken action.

Every action counts, more than ever: the document therefore suggests “eliminate single-use tableware” and others “small» gestures, alongside more important levers such as optimizing orders and transportation.

As for major initiatives, ecology is sometimes consistent with long-term savings: establishing a consumption diagnosis can be beneficial, before considering possible work. In this case, “use the preferential rate system of the National Book Center and ADEME“, recommends the guide.

TO READ – Ecology of the book: “The current system is leading us into a wall

As the current model of the book industry is increasingly regularly questioned and the tendency towards overproduction is pointed out, the document adds a point on bibliodiversity. It thus invites booksellers to “reflecting on our relationship to independent publishing and editorial concentration”, but also to “determine indicators to monitor and improve” on the subject.

The full document is available below.

Photography: illustration, ActuaLitté, CC BY SA 2.0



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