On August 30, 2004, the show “Les Grandes Gueules” was born on RMC radio, presented by the duo Alain Marschall and Olivier Truchot, which gave pride of place to current affairs debates between studio guests and listeners. Since September 2016, it has been broadcast simultaneously on the RMC Story television channel. To celebrate this twentieth anniversary, the two historic presenters released a book this Thursday, November 7 entitled “Les Grandes Gueules – 20 years of success”, published by l'Archipel.
With Michel Taubmann, Marschall and Truchot look back on the history of the show from its creation to today, with many anecdotes. The “GG” have always given a voice to listeners (teachers, police officers, farmers, traders, doctors, lawyers, educators, railway workers, craftsmen, business leaders, etc.), some of whom have become regular columnists.