The Sentinels of Purgatory last book by Xavier Garnotel

The Sentinels of Purgatory last book by Xavier Garnotel
The Sentinels of Purgatory last book by Xavier Garnotel

Chamalières. Xavier Garnotel delivers his new novel. “My new novel is a dark medieval fantasy, a rereading of The Divine Comedy of Dante,” explains Xavier Garnotel, presenting The Sentinels of Purgatory (editions of the Silver Heron).

This tale blends a modern plot with a medieval Christian setting, exploring themes like life, death, the judgment of souls and the struggles between knights, demons and angels.

Intended for readers from adolescence onwards, this 250-page novel takes the public on an epic adventure, alongside a Scottish man and heroine, between battles and the quest for absolution.

The author, who wrote the story in one year, combines his life as a writer and professor, reserving vacation time to write. “I can put myself on pause, but ideas come up all the time. For writing, on the other hand, I need a framework.”

Set on the cusp of the Hundred Years' War, the story features a relentless warrior order that watches over Limbo, protecting souls seeking redemption against the forces of chaos.

Theology and philosophy intertwine in this captivating fresco, where the author also addresses his concerns about the evolution of society.




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