“Mythology of the .12”, by Célestin de Meeûs: the book with 4,000 commas

“Mythology of the .12”, by Célestin de Meeûs: the book with 4,000 commas
“Mythology of the .12”, by Célestin de Meeûs: the book with 4,000 commas

The author Célestin de Meeûs, identified in his native Belgium as a new voice of poetry. BASEMENT EDITIONS

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Reading time: 1 min.


Critique In this story where much is said about the contemporary and growing brutality of human relations, the author deploys a know-how that is in danger of disappearing: the art of punctuating well. ★★★★☆

Listening to André Pieyre de Mandiargues (1909-1991) brings luck, one might say. This writer who received the Goncourt prize in 1967 for “La Marge” encouraged people to enter literature only after having spent a long time working with poets. Célestin de Meeûs followed him on this point. It was once he was spotted in his native Belgium as a new voice of poetry that he wrote “Mythologie du .12”, which won the Stanislas prize for first novel.

The story begins in a supermarket parking lot, between McDo, Carrefour and Bricorama. Sitting on a low wall, Théo celebrates his 18th birthday with a friend by drinking beer after beer. The two big kids are a few hours away from a tragic night where Doctor Rombouts will appear. In the shelter of a luxurious property recently deserted by his wife and children, this doctor ruminates every evening, alone with a whiskey at 80 euros a bottle.


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