Our book, everywhere in the media!

Our book, everywhere in the media!
Our book, everywhere in the media!

Dear friend, Dear friend,

He continues to be talked about, in a good way!

Press, radio, television… it is EVERYWHERE.

Who ?

I want to talk about reference book by Sophie AUDUGÉ and Maurice BERGER on sex education at school.

Since the start of the school year, Sophie AUDUGÉ has ​​been making appearances in the media. Very much in demand, she even has to refuse numerous interview requests!

Good media coverage, a sign of the interest of the general public and journalists. Today you will discover a short video particularly interesting.

Parents and grandparents are concerned by the risks of dissemination – in class – of content of a sexual nature, unsuitable for the age of school children.

But teachers and educational staff, as well as youth health professionals, are also interested in it..

To understand the challengesthe associated risks. Know how to carry out prevention and information actions on sexuality, or support children in the event of post-traumatic symptoms following inappropriate content or remarks during class sessions.

During each of her interventions, Sophie AUDUGÉ reminds us why the prevention is essential but also why the termeducation to sexuality is inappropriate.

It summarizes what is presented in detail in this book. Scientific arguments show that“sexuality education” thought of as teaching has no place in school.

She explains that from the age of 12-13, the age of puberty, it is not a question of educating but ofinformer on sexuality. Adolescents each have their own pace of development…

…but many of these young people are pornography consumers, and a majority will become sexually active during their high school years.

This summary is of course reductive!

So I invite you to watch one of his interventions, here at the microphone of Pascal PRAUD in the show Pro Hour on CNews. It's interesting but short, perhaps too short according to many comments!

Because this delicate and important subject would have deserved more speaking time given to our General Delegate, to better decipher the issues.

The advantage for you is that the video is quick to watch: 11 minutes only.

Thanks to this sequence which gets straight to the point, you will sort out the truth from the falsehood about sexuality education in the school setting:



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