The eighth detective novel by the former gendarme, dedicated to Saint-Maixent-l’École

The eighth detective novel by the former gendarme, dedicated to Saint-Maixent-l’École
The eighth detective novel by the former gendarme, dedicated to Saint-Maixent-l’École

Since his early childhood, Pierre Brandao, retired gendarme and reservist, has always been attracted to writing. « From the age of 12, I wrote poems. When I became a police officer, I started writing detective novels. » With The Rapture, he signs his eighth detective novel, while remaining faithful to poetry. “Between my detective novels, I publish poetic collections and plays. »

In this new work, he has retained one of the familiar characters, which we find in his previous detective novel, Microcard MurdersIsabelle Loubry, “policeman of shock and charm. However, I always manage so that each book is a new release, not a sequel, and I treat it in a different way in terms of structure. I don’t want to cause the reader to feel deja vu. »

“Make each book new, not a sequel”

For this book, the action of which takes place in , the author, to remain credible, went there to carry out some research on the region. “Photos of the places are also in the book. It is a job that requires a lot of time. »

The author also founded the associative publishing house Edi’lybris in October 2010. « I manage the books of the publishing house, which currently brings together around forty authors. I divide my time between writing and providing advice to the association’s authors. »

Pierre Brandao lifts the veil on the theme of his latest novel. “It’s the thread of two stories that become entangled. A young woman is kidnapped in Charente-Maritime. Isabelle Loubry is at the emergency call center. She will be there when it happens. She finds herself involved without having asked for anything, especially since a particular mission is entrusted to her by a big name in the gendarmerie. At the same time, she finds herself in Brittany, in an unusual place, to help her son Jonathan, also a police officer. She helps him investigate the discovery of a body buried under a clod of earth…” A story that is sure to keep the reader in suspense.

The author already has in mind the beginnings of a historical book and another novel with Isabelle Loubry, his heroine. “I’m thinking!” »

To discover his last two works (The Rapture, as well as volume 2 of Hello gendarmerie service!), Pierre Brandao will be signing at the Intermarché de Saint-Maixent-l’École, avenue de Blossac, Friday October 25 and Saturday October 26, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., then at the Leclerc shopping center in Azay-le -Burned, Friday November 22 and Saturday November 23.

“The Abduction” 335 pages, €22, Edi’lybris editions.



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