The large of the Méjanes library in Aix-en-Provence will be dismantled… before moving?

The large of the Méjanes library in Aix-en-Provence will be dismantled… before moving?
The large books of the Méjanes library in Aix-en-Provence will be dismantled… before moving?

It’s a bit of the signature of the place. When we think of the Méjanes library, the first image that comes to mind for most Aix residents is these large which guard the entrance. The Little Prince of Saint-Exupéry, The Imaginary Sick of Molière, which culminates at around 6 meters, or even The Stranger by Camus: the three rectangular, metallic books have been proudly placed in front of the library since it moved into the former Allumettes factory in 1989.

This landscape, so familiar, will nevertheless be transformed. As part of the renovation project of the structure, which will undergo a real transformation (read below), the ledgers will be dismantled, a priori at the end of the month or the beginning of November, depending on the progress of the work . The first three mentioned, but also the three other books which are nestled between the southern part of the library and the police station. These structures, originally, constituted a clever way to hide different technical rooms: air handling units, telephone room, main electrical panel… 35 years later, all these devices have become lighter, more compact , more rational, and can therefore be integrated into rehabilitated buildings.




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