with his first book José Carducci celebrates Corsican memory and identity

with his first book José Carducci celebrates Corsican memory and identity
with his first book José Carducci celebrates Corsican memory and identity

In this literary season, one work stands out for its growing success: Of Stones and Bloodby José Carducci, published by Éditions Cavallucciu. This story, which navigates between Corsica and the continent, asserts itself as a work that is both poetic and realistic. On the occasion of his visit to A Casa di è Lingue, the author confided to us his writing intentions and the inspirations that nourished his story.

Inspiration rooted in the family fabric
José Carducci, author and actor, has been writing since childhood, describing this journey as a form of confession: “Say without saying while writing. ” With Of Stones and Bloodwhich has gone through several reprints, it has a positive response from readers. The anchor of his story is deeply rooted in his own family history. For him, “culture is not vital, but it is essential. It is a link that brings together people who recognize themselves in something common. »

The author evokes the Corsican language as a “cement of a people”although he refuses to give it a political dimension, preferring to emphasize its richness and sensuality. Through the chapters of his story, he paints the portrait of a giant with bright eyes, a central figure in the story. The characters who populate Of Stones and Blood are all inspired by his life and family anecdotes: “All the characters existed. The giant is a hybrid hero, both my grandfather and my father. » This roman à clef immerses us in a world where reality and fiction intertwine, allowing the reader to feel an undeniable effect of mimicry with the island territory.

Between legend and autofiction
The plot, although based on real events, is tinged with nostalgia and emotion. José confides: “I wanted to transcribe what I feel, particularly the nostalgia I feel when thinking of my ancestors. They are an intense bond that shows me the way. » Di Petre è di Sangue is thus part of an autofiction approach, where the voice of the author resonates through a pen that is both poetic and realistic.

The work, which is available in a bilingual version, evokes scenes from island life, like those moments under a chestnut tree, where the colors and sounds of a territory come to life. At the same time, José Carducci has new writing projects, particularly on the theme of abused childhood, which will be at the heart of his next book.

Finally, through the legend of the spring-eyed giant, Of Stones and Blood invites you to an immersive journey between harshness and softness. The author passionately states: “Writing is inserting myself into an existing world where I magnify moment zero. » This is how he traces with his words a familiar setting where heroes that we have undoubtedly encountered one day come to life.



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