25th edition of the Digital Book Conference: the AI ​​audience

25th edition of the Digital Book Conference: the AI ​​audience
25th edition of the Digital Book Conference: the AI ​​audience

The Digital Book Conference will be held on Thursday, November 28 at the BNF with the theme this year: Artificial Intelligence and Book Professions: where are we?

A subject increasingly questioning the various players in the book world, who have mobilized to defend copyright and obtain European regulations including its protection.

At the initiative of the National Publishing Union (SNE) in 2008, the Digital Book Conference is an annual event dedicated to strategic developments in the publishing sector in the digital age. This is a professional day, organized and supported by Sofia and the CFC, which brings together more than 400 book professionals.

A digital tool

Artificial intelligence is a practical and widely used tool, a solution for multiple digital-related problems. The morning of the Assises will be devoted to it in the presence of Renaud Lefebvregeneral director of the SNE and Virginia Clayssenpresident of the SNE digital commission.

The day will begin with AI in the service of cultural institutions, a conference hosted by Marion Carreco-founder and president of Ask Mona, a company that leverages AI to improve access to culture. Marion Carré is one of the five members of the Generative AI Strategic Committee for the cultural sector appointed by the Minister of Culture in 2023.

Other interventions will revolve around an AI used for production, publication, literary prescription or even in the educational field for teachers and students.

Always at the center of debates, and mentioned in most previous conferences, Arnaud Robertgeneral secretary of the Hachette Livre group, will speak on AI and respect for copyright in connection with its generative faculty. Despite recent European regulation, AI is continually evolving and its functions raise questions in particular regarding the transparency of operators with regard to the content used to supply their application.

The day will end with an update on new digital products accessible to people with disabilities, the presentation of the guide Qualebook in order to ensure access to digital books for a maximum of readers, and the uses of AI in libraries.

Call for projects for the Pecha Kucha of the Digital Book Conference 2024

The Digital Conference will present to the public the Pecha Kucha, a selection of innovative ideas linked to books. A call for projects is open to all book professionals who will have to respect the Pecha Kucha presentation exercise (“the sound of conversation” in Japanese). With a duration of 5 minutes, “this constraint imposes on the speaker eloquence and a sense of narration, rhythm, conciseness, but also graphic expression”, announces the SNE.

The projects will be selected from the following specifications

  • The presentation must directly concern the book in its production, distribution or promotion using digital tools.
  • The project must have an innovative character.
  • The recent nature of the project will be taken into account.
  • For digital book presentations, the EPUB 3 format will be an asset.
  • Generally speaking, achievements based on standard formats will be appreciated.
  • Demonstrations of innovative digital books carried out as a duo (publisher/service provider) will be favored to show the complementarity of the approaches.
  • Only one project per publisher or per service provider will be accepted in the case of several proposals. Each presentation can only focus on one project at a time.
  • Each project must be presented in 5 minutes.

If selected, project leaders must submit their Powerpoint visual presentation before November 23 so that they can be installed on the event computer. Proposals must be sent by email before November 8, 6 p.m. to Clémentine Guinebert [email protected], by filling out a form.



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