Valence-d’Agen. Starting Thursday, the CC2R Children’s Book Fair

Valence-d’Agen. Starting Thursday, the CC2R Children’s Book Fair
Valence-d’Agen. Starting Thursday, the CC2R Children’s Book Fair

A celebration of creativity, culture and inclusion, this is how the Deux Rives Public Reading Network presents and prepares its traditional Youth Book Fair which will be held from May 23 to 25. This year, the event has a captivating theme: “You, me and the others”, inviting us to explore the links that unite us in a world full of diversity.

For this edition, a rich and varied program is on offer. May 23 and 24 will be reserved for schools, offering young readers the chance to meet authors and illustrators from the publishing world. These meetings promise enriching exchanges, conducive to discovery and inspiration.

On Saturday, May 25, the reception hall of the community of communes of Deux-Rives in Valence-d’Agen will welcome the general public for an exceptional day. On the program: meetings, signings and activities of all kinds, intended to captivate readers of all ages. A unique opportunity to dive into the heart of the abundant world of children’s literature.

But the programming doesn’t stop there! An exciting new feature will enrich this 2024 edition: an artistic and “improbable” evening in the presence of illustrators, which will be held on Friday May 24 at 8:30 p.m., in the beautiful Apollo cinema theater in Valence-d’Agen (entrance free). This evening promises to be a true feast for the eyes and creative minds, in a friendly and inspiring atmosphere.

The Children’s Book Fair has thus established itself as an unmissable event in the Deux-Rives cultural hub, celebrating the magic of words and images, while celebrating the diversity that unites us.

For the many reading enthusiasts, illustration lovers or simply curious to discover new literary horizons, this event will seduce and inspire you.

Not to be missed and marked on the calendars Thursday May 23 and Friday May 24.



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