“These works are survivors of the past…” the Artist’s Book Biennale takes place in

“These works are survivors of the past…” the Artist’s Book Biennale takes place in
“These works are survivors of the past…” the Artist’s Book Biennale takes place in Rodez

the essential
Among the “activities” proposed ahead of this Biennale, the exhibition of two exceptional books of hours.

The 4th Artist’s Book Biennial presents itself in the best possible way. Under the leadership of the Art in Folio association, the show which will take place on November 9 and 10 in the village hall, with nearly forty artists and representatives of publishing houses, is already making waves . While a conference will be given on Wednesday on the question of artists’ books, two real gems are being unveiled at the Fenaille museum. Two illuminated books of hours, one for the use of and the other for the use of , belonging respectively to the Society of Letters and the media library, are exceptionally revealed. Two true masterpieces created in the 15th century, the finesse of the design leaves one admiring.

Conference Wednesday

At 6 p.m., this Wednesday, in the Rodez Agglomération auditorium, a conference will be given by Arne Aullas from , around the question “What is an artist’s book?” » Enough to launch the preambles of this biennial which will take place in the village hall on November 9 and 10. This conference is the initiative of the departmental association of the National Order of Merit. “Culture is a pillar for developing civility, citizenship and good citizenship,” breathes Colette Cambournac, member of the association.
The subject is intended to be all the more fascinating as the Art in Folio association, organizer of the biennial, has proposed a talented artist, awarded several times for her work and who also teaches this practice. Conference open to all.

They are both exhibited in a room of the Fenaille museum, located at the end of the visit. “These works are survivors of the past,” says museum director Aurélien Pierre, delighted, alongside representatives of Art in Folio and the Society of Letters, to be able to present them. Given their fragility, they will only be on display until November 10. But it is possible to observe them more closely on your computer, these two collections having been digitized. And observe even more closely the remarkable finesse of the work carried out.

“With the exhibition that we are preparing at the Denys-Puech museum on the manuscripts of René Duran, some of which are on paper towels, we are going to cover 500 years of history,” rejoices Caroline Gil. Exhibition which will be on view on November 9 and 10, during the Biennale. “We will also be present at the Soulages museum, with a conference on October 31 on paper mills in Aveyron,” continues Patrice Lemoux.

The Artist’s Book Biennial therefore takes up residence almost everywhere in the city, what’s more with these wishing trees that it has installed at the town hall, the MJC and the neighborhood houses but also the various exhibitions around paper which will flourish in the city’s galleries.

Go to wish tree

As part of this 4th Biennale and inspired by a tradition from Asia and highlighted by the artist and wife of John Lennon Yoko Ono, the Art in Folio association has placed four wishing trees in the city. Namely, at the town hall, at the MJC and at the neighborhood centers of Ramadier and Gourgan. “The wishes collected will be given to the artist Gérard Marty, from whom we will ask to create an artist’s book. A book that will be offered to the media library,” explain Caroline Gil and Patrice Lemoux, from the Art in Folio association. “We hope that these trees will also bring together people who will come to the Biennale. »



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