“Books that have no fathers”: focus on NN Editore

“Books that have no fathers”: focus on NN Editore
“Books that have no fathers”: focus on NN Editore

NN Editore wanted to create a real “ identity laboratory », confides Luca Pantarotto, communications manager at NN Editore. “ We are looking for texts called “orphans” at the time, that is to say on which we cannot put any label, nor define any category “, he continues.

This is also where the name of this publishing house comes from: “ NN » comes from the acronym Nescio Nomen (translation : ” I don’t know the name “), who was also a distinctive sign allowing the orphans of the time to be identified.

Of the ” seasons » rather than collections

Even the approximately 160 titles in the catalog are special. At NN Editore, we do not talk about “collections”, but rather about series.

A widely considered choice, thought out and assumed by the Italian publishing house. “ The series are called “Seasons” and are inspired by the structure of television series. Within each season there are many episodes. They may be without obvious connections, but together they form a history clearly identifiable », explains Luca.

Two key books particularly marked the beginnings, and the history, of the house: Benedizione by Kent Haruf — author bestsellerwith some 500,000 copies sold — and Send a congratulation by Jenny Offill. These are novels which take two distinct trajectories », notes the Community Manager.

The first is a book which fits into the classic pattern American, with dry writing. He tells ” the life of ordinary people in a provincial town, but which the author makes unique », underlines Luca. The second, for its part, narrates the romantic adventure of a couple “ with an experimental and broken pen », he continues.

These two books represent the philosophy of this publishing house, which fights for “ publish books that raise awareness of the countless ways to find your place in the world », exclaims the Community Manager.

Stand of the publishing house NN Editore at the Turin Book Fair 2024

In search of the first Italian novels

Although the publishing house publishes numerous translations, it also pays attention to early Italian novels. For example, the series Gli innocenti (Innocents) publishes first Italian novels which have “ a distinct voice and a look unpublished on the relationship between the characters and the territory », explains Luca.

This series is among his most popular famous those of Roberto Camurri, or even Alessio Forgione with Naples my lovewho both obtained “ public and critical recognition », something rare in Italy.

Manuscripts often reach publishing houses through a literary agent. However, for Naples My lovetranslated into French by Lise Caillat at Editions Denoël (2021), the author himself had contacted editors on… Instagram.

The challenge of independence

The founders of NN Editore all come from different backgrounds. Together, they courageously decided to open an independent publishing house. at the best or worst possible moment, that of the merger between Rizzoli and Mondadori » (2015 – 2016). This latest news would then have made the Italian editorial scene even more concentrated. A challenge to be faced by these entrepreneurs.

But the bet is, it seems, won. Still according to Luca, “ when the market is dominated by a large colossus, different proposals emerge inside and outside the system, and manage to distinguish themselves “.

And yes, this publishing house has grown a lot today. It initially published 15 titles per year, and produces more today almost doubleor 24.

NN Editore is now one of the independent publishing houses the most recognized in Italy.

FILE – Turin Book Fair 2024: diving into “Imaginary life”



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