An overview of the year 2022-2023

An overview of the year 2022-2023
An overview of the year 2022-2023
According to data from the Foundation’s latest annual report, publishing in Morocco for the year 2022-2023 recorded 3,482 titles, covering both traditional and digital publications. At the same time, 496 issues of Moroccan magazines were identified during this period.

Paper publications largely dominate, representing 92% of the publishing balance in the areas covered by the report, while digital publications constitute 8% of the total volume. The majority of digital publications come from public establishments, official organizations and research institutions.

Contributions from the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) represent almost half (47.12%) of this digital volume. Regarding language, 78.29% of Moroccan publications in the fields of literature and human and social sciences are in Arabic, while only 7.72% are in French. Publications in Amazigh occupy a relatively modest place with 1.51%, behind English (2.58%).

French is taking off in the digital domain, particularly in the research sectors of economics, management, finance and political studies. Of the 191 digital titles in the humanities and social sciences, a high proportion are in French. However, it is important to note that most of these publications are institutional, originating from government agencies, non-profit associations or regional and international organizations. The linguistic distribution of digital books shows a predominance of French with 84 titles, followed by Arabic with 63 titles, then English with 44 titles.

Moroccan literature continues to hold a central place in the publishing landscape, representing 22.03% of the total books published (658 print titles) in 2022-2023, of which almost a quarter are self-publications (25.84% ). Legal studies comes in second with 14.2%, followed by History with 11.79%, Islamic studies with 298 titles and social studies with 265 publications.

Furthermore, self-authored publications totaled approximately 628 works produced by 617 different authors. This number, representing 21% of total titles, highlights the continuing structural problems of Morocco’s publishing sector, particularly with regard to nationwide distribution.



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