Éric de Lille from Mouscron has just published a collection on Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: he even sent him his book!

Éric de Lille from Mouscron has just published a collection on Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: he even sent him his book!
Éric de Lille from Mouscron has just published a collection on Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: he even sent him his book!

Elections have just taken place on the other side of the Channel. As was feared, the ruling British Conservative Party suffered a famous setback in favor of Labor in the local election. A trend which raises fears for the legislative elections planned for the end of the year and which could oust a figure: Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister.

If there is one who followed the result of the vote in Mouscron, it is Éric de Lille! This Hurlu spent his entire youth in England, a land where he then became director of language courses but also a guide in London. It is therefore an understatement to say that he knows 10 Downing Street! Better than the address, it is above all his tenant that he has been deciphering for months.

Mouscronnois Éric de Lille published, in 2022, a historical novel based on real events. Collection translated into English, in 2024. ©Eric de Lille

A collection sent by registered mail to the principal concerned

Indeed, after having published a historical novel “Carnage – The Forsters” published by Lemon&Lime in 2022 and translated into English, this year, he has just published a portrait at the beginning of May, still with the same publisher: “Rishi Sunak – The Tiger of Downing Street”.

The collection was unveiled for the first time during an authors’ evening at the Mouscron library recently. A reading center where the two copies of “Carnage – The Forsters” are also continually praised!

”At the time when I was at Winchester College finalizing my previous history, he just became Prime Minister”recalls our interlocutor, while handing us a copy of his latest opus.

The book by Mouscronnois Eric de Lille about the “Tiger of Downing Street”, Rishi Sunak. ©Eric de Lille

The cover states: Unauthorized biography. “This is to cover me clearly with these words, even if he was indeed contacted as part of this work. He received the manuscript and the model by registered mail, but it remained a dead letter.”

Whether you are passionate about England, like reading biographies, are curious about foreign policy, are working on an analysis as part of university research… The motivations for leafing through the book are many. Especially since it is easy to read.

”It took me a year of work. It could have been released a little earlier this year, but this election period was a more opportune time!”smiles the one who was still in England last Christmas.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, December 1, 2021, in London, alongside his Finance Minister Rishi Sunak… ©AFP

“I read the traditional English press daily as well as the opposition. I have not noticed anything unkind about it”

What do we read there? It is perfectly divided into chapters detailing the youth of the man turning 44 in a few hours, his model family in Southampton, his leadership side from his early childhood, his studies at Lincoln College in Oxford (nursery for Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom where “our” Princess Elisabeth is currently studying), then in Silicone Valley, his wealth and that of his wife met in the United States (their bank account exceeds that of Buckingham Palace!), his aversion to alcohol while his Hindu religion allows him, his direct employment in finance at Goldman Sachs…

Young leader, financial ace… We cannot help but draw a parallel with the meteoric rise of Emmanuel Macron. The back cover also mentions it.

We can’t help but draw a parallel between the British Prime Minister and Emmanuel Macron, here in Paris, a year ago, as they agreed on a new pact to stop illegal cross-Channel migration. ©POOL/AFP

The idea of ​​the “Tiger” mentioned on the cover?

”Beneath his friendly and preppy exterior, he is right-wing. Not extreme, more like Les LR in France. In January 2023, he presented the priorities of his program in five points: the economy, purchasing power, health care, inflation and illegal immigrants.

The next elections, the legislative ones, are scheduled for November or December. If he wants to save his party, he will have to play on the populist rope regarding illegal immigrants…”

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during a press conference in London, April 22, 2024, addressing the issue of migrants arriving on his territory. He made it a warhorse. ©POOL/AFP/Archives

A subject at the heart of the news in recent days, with these famous direct flights to Rwanda which made the headlines even here. “It has been voted on but it has not yet been signed by the King. This won’t be long, with the first planes around July.”

“At first, there was admiration for this man. Then discovering him led to a certain distrust. We realize that everything is well calculated.”

”Initially, I thought it would only be of interest to those who want to know more about politics, but the public is also interested in this character as such.”

The Prime Minister, this May 1, at 10 Downing Street. ©AFP or licensors

A very accessible book for anyone who would like to discover the life of someone who matters in 2024.

It can be read in one go, with its 140 pages. Éric de Lille would almost apologize for the thin thickness of his paper work. “At the same time, he is young, it is not a biography on Churchill! This is a new subject, few knew who he was until recently in Europe. However, he was Secretary of State under Theresa May, then under Boris Johnson. This admirer of Margareth Thatcher was very early in favor of Brexit, it has always been in his convictions”he summarizes.

“I still wonder why he wanted to become Prime Minister! He has a degree in economics, he is armored in addition to having married the richest girl in India, he has several residences in London, an apartment in Los Angeles…”

Mr. de Lille is already immersed in writing a new book. “It is a novel which will feature the Roubaix canal and which is scheduled for release in November 2025.” He won’t say any more!

The collection can be purchased online: www.eric-delille.com. In Mouscron, it is also available at the bookstore on Petite rue. €20.



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