The famous criminal lawyer Randall Schwerdorffer will be the president of the Cosne-sur-Loire book fair

Randall Schwerdorffer, who became known in the Duval affair, will chair the 36th edition of the Cosne-sur-Loire Book Fair, from Friday May 31 to Sunday June 2.

The 36th edition of the Cosne Book Fair, organized by Trait d’Union 58, which will take place from Friday May 31 to Sunday June 2, will be chaired by Randall Schwerdorffer, Marguerite Michel, the organizing president, has just announced.

Randall Schwerdorffer is a renowned attorney. The criminal lawyer made himself known to the general public, in particular, by defending Jonathan Daval, who was convicted of the murder of his wife Alexia.

premium “La Juré” by Claire Jehanno will receive the first novel prize from the Rotary at the Cosne-sur-Loire Book Fair

The lawyer, who does not have his tongue in his pocket, released, in October 2023, his third work entitled Itinerary of an extraordinary lawyer. In 2022, he had published Assize trial: a lawyer in the witness box.

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Mathilde Thomas



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