Book. Death, secrets, paternity, at the heart of Virginie Ducay’s novel

Book. Death, secrets, paternity, at the heart of Virginie Ducay’s novel
Book. Death, secrets, paternity, at the heart of Virginie Ducay’s novel

Virginie Ducay has been writing since childhood, “as a vital necessity. » After years as an English teacher, then as a proofreader, the adopted Breton, born in Corrèze, today devotes herself entirely to writing. It is in her Breton countryside, near , where she has lived for twenty years, that she writes. For you, Mina is his second novel published by La part commune, a publishing house.

“A Gothic text”

After exploring the themes of desire, of the couple, through the story of a clandestine passion (Wait for Anna), Virginie Ducay evokes death, “one of my obsessions, I wanted to confront it through a gothic text”, but also fatherhood, masculinity. For you, Mina is a post-mortem letter from Angel addressed to his daughter, two beings separated by life, who loved each other badly, “Mina is in pain, but the parents are doing what they can. This man is also suffering. »

The author, in an original construction, infuses her story, loaded with emotions, with a whimsical side and irony.“to bring lightness, in the face of the unbearable reality, loss. It’s a way of saying “it’s not that bad.” The important thing is what we do with it, how we live with our ghosts. »

Virginie Ducay also paints a portrait of a village, with its secrets, “it’s a bit like the village where I grew up, its cemetery, even if the characters are fictitious.” What interests him is talking about human relationships, “with indulgence, an attentive and attentive look. I don’t judge my characters, I just try to understand them, a bit like in life. »

For you, Minaby Virginie Ducay, editions La part commune, 146 pages, €17.90;

Meeting on September 22 and October 5 in Vannes, October 11 at 7 p.m. in Saint-Grégoire (Mouche bookstore), (with Jeff Sourdin and Gaëtan Lecoq), October 13 in Berric, October 26 in Carhaix…



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