The 60th Book Fair attracts 21,000 people

The 60th Book Fair attracts 21,000 people
The 60th Book Fair attracts 21,000 people

“I think it was my best salon ever! People were there, and we even almost ran out of books! It’s always a real pleasure to have such wonderful encounters with the public,” declared Mikaël Lalancette, author and journalist at Soleilaccording to the press release sent to the media.

The director of the Regional Book Fair, Virginie Gagnon, also said she was satisfied with the first edition of the event of which she is at the head.

“What an extraordinary first edition you brought me to life! I am so proud of the entire team: volunteers, contract workers, employees and board members. They did a magnificent job.”

— Virginie Gagnon, director of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Book Fair.

In total, 1,445 book signings took place this weekend, as did 180 visits by 20 authors to local schools. Around 5,000 young people were affected, according to the Book Fair.

Activities also took place outside the Palais des congrès at the Delta Hotel in Jonquière. The Cabaret of naughty readings at Côté-Cour had a full house, as usual, while half a dozen meetings with authors took place in different libraries.

“This year again, thanks to the intense and enthusiastic participation of the public and the community spirit which develops each time between the actors and actresses in the sector, the Show was an authentic celebration. Thank you to those who helped make this sixtieth edition a success!”

— Philippe Fortin-Villeneuve, president of the board of directors of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Book Fair.

An exhibition recounting the 60 years of existence of the Salon in the region has been added to the usual programming, to celebrate this anniversary.



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