Aurélien Cressely, winner of the Les Promesses prize

Aurélien Cressely, winner of the Les Promesses prize
Aurélien Cressely, winner of the Les Promesses prize

The arrival of autumn rhymes with literary prizes. is no exception to the rule since the launch last year of the Promises prize, by the municipal library in partnership with La Boîte à Livres.

“It is rather rare, in , for a bookstore which works in concert with libraries and which offers readers and our colleagues the possibility of voting for the same selection. Being joined by the libraries of Montlouis-sur-, Joué-lès-Tours and Saint-Pierre-des-Corps is extremely enriching,” estimates Astrid Chabin, member of the organizing committee.

“This second edition saw the participation of 170 voters, double the number of last year”enthuses Joël Hafkin, of La Boîte à Livres, while awarding the 2024 Promises prize to first-time novelist Aurélien Cressely, who came to meet readers at the central library on September 13.

“Beyond Oblivion”, the fictionalized life of René Blum

And Beyond oblivion was favored by a majority of voters, it is perhaps because it evokes in a fictionalized way the life of René Blum, brother of Léon, but above all because of the author’s desire to stick as close as possible to this character, tireless promoter of culture, theater director, who was deported and murdered at Auschwitz.

The author explained at length the genesis of this first work, not keeping quiet about his doubts, his fatigue, his phases of discouragement, his imposter syndrome. “Is it really worth it?” Yes, I will do it for him, to rescue his memory from oblivion! I wanted to exploit the man as he was described in the testimonies, deeply benevolent and without any harshness. »

Good news for impatient readers: Aurélien Cressely is finishing his second novel. “A romantic family story, which traces a hundred years of French Indochina”, he concludes.

“Beyond oblivion” by Aurélien Cressely, published by Gallimard.



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