“A pile of books as high as 200 Eiffel Towers”: Fnac organizes a large solidarity collection for Libraries without Borders

“A pile of books as high as 200 Eiffel Towers”: Fnac organizes a large solidarity collection for Libraries without Borders
“A pile of books as high as 200 Eiffel Towers”: Fnac organizes a large solidarity collection for Libraries without Borders

Until October 6, the Fnac du Polygone is collecting as many books as possible which will be given to the NGO before being distributed to schools, associations, etc.

We all have books lying around and gathering dust… While they could be useful to other people. So why not combine business with pleasure by simply depositing them in the dedicated lockers in front of the Fnac du Polygone?

Until October 6, the brand is participating in the operation “La Grande collecte solidaire” alongside Libraries Without Borders so that books that have already been used can be put back into the hands of readers who do not necessarily have access to them.

The approach is clear: “The goal is to give books a second life. After being collected and sorted, the books are then referenced by Libraries Without Borders according to their condition. They are sent to libraries, schools or associations, to benefit disadvantaged populations in around thirty countries, as part of solidarity programs.”

“A stack of books as high as 200 Eiffel Towers!”

This is the 12th edition and the largest book collection in . As BSF points out: “In over ten years, more than 2.5 million books have been collected thanks to this partnership, the equivalent of a stack of books as high as 200 Eiffel Towers!”

The initiative is already successful

Since Saturday, September 14, several hundred books have already been deposited. “It’s a project that allows us to give books to people who can’t afford them,” explains Frédérique, Culture Manager at Fnac , who is in charge of the collection.

“There is an incredible range: novels, children’s books, school books, encyclopedias… It’s transgenerational and there are some very beautiful works.”

And since we don’t throw away books, we might as well put them down…



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