City director visits the Paralympics in Paris

City director visits the Paralympics in Paris


There was great cheering at the start of the NRW evening in the German House in Paris: The NRW quartet from the State Chancellery and the State Sports Association of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) as well as D.SPORTS / Sportstadt Düsseldorf, EMG – Essen Marketing GmbH had invited guests to the theme evening and together watched the bronze race of the NRW para-sprinter Irmgard Bensuan. Top-class guests from sport, politics and business followed the call to the Stade Jean Bouin rugby stadium. The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst, welcomed, among others, the DBS President Friedhelm Julius Beucher, the State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs, Juliane Seifert, and the German Ambassador to France, Stephan Steinlein, as well as the Essen City Director Peter Renzel. The latter answered questions in a talk as part of the stage program. He took the stage together with the para-rower Marc Lembeck, who trains on the Baldeneysee in Essen.

Hendrik Wüst, Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, underlined the importance of the Paralympics and para-competitive sports for Sportland.NRW in his statements: “The sporting world is once again turning its attention to Paris these days. The Paralympic Games are another highlight of this sporting year. Athletes from all over the world are delivering outstanding performances here. They have prepared over a long period of time with great personal commitment and discipline. This also requires first-class conditions, to which the Paralympic Centre in North Rhine-Westphalia makes a decisive contribution. Our athletes deserve recognition and support for their achievements. The Games set an important example for acceptance, tolerance, respect and team spirit – values ​​that are of central importance in our society.”

The first NRW evening took place in the German House during the Olympic Games on July 30th. Peter Renzel, City Director of the City of Essen: “The performances of the athletes at the Paralympics are outstanding! As in the weeks before, we are experiencing fantastic sporting highlights in front of impressive backdrops. Sport has many functions in our society: one of them is inclusion. Promoting inclusive facilities that adapt to the special training needs of athletes with physical disabilities is our common goal. The sports-loving cities in NRW agree on this. The NRW evening impressively shows what offers are available and where very good cooperation in the sense of promoting sport is already taking place. We want to further expand these networks.”

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City of Essen
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