France: Complaint against Alexandre Jollien dismissed

France: Complaint against Alexandre Jollien dismissed

Complaint against Alexandre Jollien dismissed

After months of investigation, the case against Jollien is closed. The philosopher’s lawyer emphasizes the removal of “prejudicial suspicions” against him.

Published today at 6:50 p.m.

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The criminal proceedings against Alexandre Jollien conducted in France have been dismissed without further action in 2023, the Valais philosopher announced on social media on Sunday. A complaint had been filed against him in France for sexual assault and indecent exposure.

“After a careful examination over several months, a dismissal was pronounced, which was notified in October 2023,” Mr. Jollien’s lawyer, Loïc Parein, announced on Sunday. In 2022, the press reported on a criminal complaint filed in 2021 in France against his client for facts dating back to 2015.

“My client has always firmly contested the accusations against him,” the lawyer wrote. As part of the investigation, “Alexandre Jollien responded to the summonses sent to him and answered all the questions put to him.”

“This outcome marks the end of harmful suspicions for Alexandre Jollien, but also for those close to him, the consequences of which have unjustly extended beyond the judicial context,” concludes the lawyer.


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