Known for his travel photos, Bernard Plossu, who lives in La Ciotat, is one of the greatest French photographers. With The Hip Yearshe reveals a side of him that we didn't know, to be discovered until March 15 at the Regards de Provence Museum. This exhibition brings together his youthful photos taken in 1966 on the Californian coast, and four years later on the route to India.
They are mostly unpublished, with the exception of a few photos published in the magazine Rock & Folk. “I was 21 years old, I was not a professional photographer, I had gone to Mexico just when the American hippie trend was starting to emerge, and a friend invited me to Californiasays Bernard Plossu. He took me to where it was all happening, to San Francisco and the coast. It didn't cost anything, we bought a car for 200 dollars!“His photos – where we recognize Joan Baez or Henry Miller – capture the artistic effervescence and bear witness to a generation which pushed the criticism of consumerism very far, rejected the Vietnam War and demanded sexual freedom.
In a completely different universe, the Biennale of digital imaginations continues at La Friche, with three exhibitions PIB, Raw Interior Pleasure, Last Delights, Virtual Environments to be discovered until January 19 at La Tour Panorama, which arouse curiosity and reflection. Many artists question through their works the commodification of our desires through new technologies and how our algorithms shape our emotions and our needs. A fun and intelligent journey.
“The Hip Years” Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 3.5/8.5 euros. musé
“Chronicles, Biennale of digital arts” at La Friche, Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. €0-8.
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