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Francis Perrin: His green life in Provence, exceptional view in his property where he has lived for 7 years

Francis Perrin – to be found this Wednesday evening on C8 in Mongeville – is very fulfilled alongside his wife Gersende, with whom he is the father of three children: Louis, born in 2002 and suffering from autism, Clarisse, born in 2004, and Baptiste, born in 2005. He is also the father of Polynesian twins Cécile and Fabiola, born in 1988 and adopted with Laurence, his first wife. There is also Jeanne, also born in 1998 from her union with actress Caroline Berg.

With his wife Gersende, he lives in Vaucluse, in a sumptuous house with an exceptional setting. This is what we could see last June 5 in As an aside. Indeed, a wide shot photo of his beautiful home was broadcast on the screen. “This is the view I have from my property“, explained the actor, before confirming information from Nathalie Levy, namely that he has lived there since “seven years“.

Francis Perrin and this fruitful activity

And he has no intention of leaving: “I’m not ready to leave. I’m so good…“Before, he lived in the Paris region:”I lived in Versailles, on the edge of the forest. I’m not very urban.“And when asked if he “lwith a green thumb“, he who has a very large garden, he replies that it is rather his wife. The same goes for everything related to cooking. On the other hand, thanks to his vines, he harvests olives which he then entrusts to the Vieux Moulin de Puyméras located just a few kilometers from his home.

On arrival, they are olive oils “of exceptional quality” which are concocted. And according to the latest news, this business is doing very well. “Right now, we achieve yields of between 26 and 31% (that is to say, with less than four kilos of olives you will have a liter of oil, editor’s note). If we achieve such records, it is also because we are at the end of the season, the harvest is healthy and the fruits have suffered several mornings of frost which allowed them to wrinkle and concentrate in oil. , explained Alain Farnoux, the owner of this establishment, in an interview.


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