Trial of a feminicide at the assizes: “There was a hole in the racket” – Libération

Trial of a feminicide at the assizes: “There was a hole in the racket” – Libération
Trial of a feminicide at the Niort assizes: “There was a hole in the racket” – Libération

Trial of a feminicide at the assizes: “There was a hole in the racket” Libération

“I'm moving with you otherwise I'll kill you”: opening of the trial of a “foretold death” at the Niort Libération assizes

Killed after a complaint, filed, in Deux-Sèvres: “There was a hole in the racket! » The New Republic


Accused of having killed his partner in Deux-Sèvres, he denies: “I have nothing to do with this story” Ouest-

“Nothing has been put in place”: the anger of the daughters of Patricia, victim of femicide, her ex-husband judged RMC



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