Arles 2024 : Lamaindonne : Bernard Plossu : Lots of love

Arles 2024 : Lamaindonne : Bernard Plossu : Lots of love
Arles 2024 : Lamaindonne : Bernard Plossu : Lots of love

300 pounds: it’s this anniversary that Bernard Plossu will celebrate in Arles with the release of the editions Lamaindonne : of “Lots of love”.
It is a book that evokes “the best years of his life”, when he spent time with his family in Andalusia.
David Fourre its publisher presents it as follows:

Bernard Plossu, the photographer with 300 books.
Bernard Plossu is undoubtedly one of the greatest French photographers, who has left his mark on so many photography enthusiasts with his Mexican trip or his Andalusian swallowshis black and whites so subtle in gray, his Fresson prints…
In the late 1980s, he spent several years in Andalusia, near Almeria. With his family, his wife Françoise Nuñez and their two children. “The best years of my life,” as he likes to say.
This book recounts this happy period. Family moments, peaceful desert landscapes, scenes of life in the surrounding villages. Everything here breathes love, well-being and serenity.
It is also an opportunity to show images that have never been published before, in color, black and white, panoramic, half-format… Bernard Plossu photographs as he lives, with great freedom. And it is precisely this freedom that this book wants to show.
A book like a manifesto according to Bernard Plossu.

Bernard Plossu: Lots of love
Lamaindonne editions
format : 20 x 24 cm
108 pages
60 color and two-tone photographs
hot stamping
40 euros



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