heavy tensions with TF1, she crashes the filming of the TV movie “Ado mais pas trop”

Relationships between TF1 and Inès Reg have deteriorated over the past few months. At the beginning of the year, the comedian starred in the last season of
Dance with the stars. However, a violent controversy broke out between Inès Reg and another participant, the singer Natasha St-Pier. The two personalities passed the responsibility for this dispute to each other.

However, TF1 criticizes Inès Reg for having amplified
this controversy by communicating it on social networks. Until now, these criticisms addressed by the channel had not further soured its relations with the comedian. Moreover, it was planned that she would play in a TV movie, Teen but not too much. But this collaboration has just fallen through.

Inès Reg was to star in a TF1 TV film on school bullying, Teen but not too much

Despite the controversies with Natasha St-Pier on the set of Dance with the starsInès Reg had been kept on the poster for the film Teen but not too much. The comedian was to embody an investigative journalist, Chloe. Her little sister being the victim of harassment, she decides to infiltrate her school. The choice of Inès Reg to play this character was self-evident.

In a documentary dedicated to school harassmentInès Reg has indeed expressed the mockery she was subjected to when she was younger. “They called me the dwarf, they gave me Mimie Mathy 24 hours a day, they put things up high so I couldn’t grab them, it was very complicated to live with”, she then explained. However, the TV film project with TF1 will ultimately not happen.

photo credit: TF1 Inès Reg

Comedian Inès Reg crashed the filming of the TV movie for “calendar incompatibility”

At the last moment, Inès Reg finally refused to participate in the
filming from the movie Teen but not too much. This is what his entourage himself clarified on social networksevoking a “calendar incompatibility”. But according to information from journalists at ParisianThose are the tensions with TF1 who are involved in this matter.

The controversy that erupted on the set of Dance with the stars visibly stuck in TF1’s throat. For her part, Inès Reg would then have refused to play in the TV film Teen but not too much as long as its relations with the chain are not
not stabilized. However, this decision by the comedian forced the production of postpone filming of the film.

photo credit: Shutterstock

Relations between TF1 and Inès Reg are said to be at their lowest

Film shooting Teen but not too much should have taken place between June and July. Due to Inès Reg’s refusal, it was rescheduled for the start of the school year. But whatever it is, the comedian does not no longer part of the cast. “I am completely returning to what I know how to do best and what I miss in a visceral way: the stage”she said in an interview with BFM TV.

As for TF1, its production companies are in the process of recruiting an actress to replace Inès Reg. Relations between the comedian and the first channel in France have thus visibly turned sour. For the moment, it is therefore unlikely that Inès Reg will make an appearance again in a TF1 production.



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