Bike accident could have killed Gordon Ramsay

British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay says he is “lucky to be alive” after being involved in a “very serious” cycling accident last week.

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In a video shared on his social networks on Saturday, he shows his left side which is seriously swollen and purple.

“This weekend I had a very serious accident and it really shook me. Honestly, I’m really lucky to be here,” he says in his video.

The event took place in Connecticut, it is written in the Instagram post, in which Gordon Ramsay reminds you of the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet.

“I thank all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in New London who took care of me, but I am most grateful to my helmet for saving my life,” it reads in the publication.

The chef and host published a photo of his completely destroyed bicycle helmet after the accident.

“No matter the distance, WEAR A HELMET,” insists Gordon Ramsay in the video.

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