Michel Cymes has very bad memories of his nights on call at the hospital

Michel Cymes has very bad memories of his nights on call at the hospital
Michel Cymes has very bad memories of his nights on call at the hospital

In an interview given to Sat cable, Michel Cymes spoke about the very bad memories of his nights on call at the hospital. A period of his life during which he had to deprive himself of sleep.

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Michel Cymes is back with a new show. Tuesday June 25, the famous doctor will be at the helm of He who sleeps loses! The great sleep experience alongside Marie Portolano on France 2. The opportunity for viewers to discover the consequences of lack of sleep on six guinea pigs like no other. “Six personalities, including Francis Perrin, Caroline Margeridon, Linda Hardy or even Titoff, must spend thirty-six hours together without sleeping in a sort of loft. Then, on stage and in public, they undergo a series of tests to test their logic, their intellectual abilities and their physical condition.explains the former host of Health magazine to our colleagues from Sat cable.

Michel Cymes “traumatized” by his nights on call at the hospital

If he agreed to present this new show, Michel Cymes would have refused to participate as a candidate. And for good reason, the ENT doctor has very bad memories of the years when he had to deprive himself of sleep to work in the hospital. “Five hours is enough for me but I take ten minute micronaps. If I had been offered the show as a guinea pig, I would have refused. I was traumatized by my nights on call.”explains the host, who ensured that the new program entrusted to him “don’t put anyone in danger”. “In the German format, guinea pigs don’t sleep for sixty hours”, he reveals. And to give his advice for getting a good night’s sleep: “Do not exercise just before going to bed, sleep in an uncluttered room and, ideally, at nineteen degrees. The body needs to cool down to fall asleep…”

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Michel Cymes replaced by Marine Loublion on France 5

Recently, Michel Cymes decided to leave the presentation of the show Take care of yourselfwhich he has hosted since September 2020 on France 5. “I was the one who wanted to stop because I’ve always done that. I stopped because I was starting to get bored and you can’t afford to present a show if you’re not completely enthusiastic to the idea of ​​doing it”he explained in We’re doing TV again on RTL. The media doctor will be replaced by Marine Ltemporel, from the next school year.



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