Princess Eugenie: how she got off the royal family’s “black list”

Princess Eugenie: how she got off the royal family’s “black list”
Princess Eugenie: how she got off the royal family’s “black list”

Princess Eugenie, like her sister Princess Beatrice, has supported Prince William during a recent garden party at Buckingham Palace. Eugenie of York, 34, is known for remaining close to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle despite the couple’s departure from the royal family.

Princess Eugenie’s friendship with the Sussexes, recalls his article of June 11, 2024, dates back to 2016. The daughter of Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew had also attended, with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, a Halloween party in Toronto.

Princess Eugenie found herself blacklisted because of Harry and Meghan

In 2022, Princess Eugenie made the trip to visit the Sussex couple in their home in Montecito, California, United States. Last year, as a royal insider recalled to Woman’s DayEugenie of York welcomed Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle to her home in Portugal.

It was after she hosted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at her home in Portugal that Princess Eugenie found herself on a royal family blacklist. A priori, she would have managed to no longer appear on this blacklist. “She worked hard to prove her commitment to the royals“, specifies the source of Woman’s Day.

photo credit: Bestimage Princess Eugenie has remained friends with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle through all circumstances. Because of her relationship with the Sussexes, Eugenie of York found herself on a royal family blacklist. She managed to get off the blacklist by showing who she really supports.

Princess Eugenie: she cut her ties with Prince Harry

In a way, Princess Eugenie cut her connection with Harry and Meghan. This would be how she withdrew from the royal family blacklist. “Bea and Eugenie can’t imagine what William is going through right now, and it was an honor for them to support him”, said the source before adding: “The York sisters were determined not to let him down“.

On her Instagram account, Princess Eugenie declared that she was happy to support her family whether it rains or winds. Recall that in February 2024, when Eugenie of York was in Los Angeles, she chose not to contact Prince Harry and preferred to support Prince William. “It confirmed his worst fears, that his last line with his family was over“, concluded the source Woman’s Day.



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