We visited a preview of the new exhibition at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen

We visited a preview of the new exhibition at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen
We visited a preview of the new exhibition at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen


Yann Rivallan

Published on

May 23, 2024 at 7:20 p.m.

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He was not an impressionist. James Abbott McNeill Whistler was rather an artist apart, but very influential in his time. Between the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, he influenced an entire movement with his style and philosophy. The aptly named “Whistlerism”.

To highlight the artist and his contemporaries, the Rouen Museum of Fine Arts is dedicating a temporary exhibition on the artistic movement on the ground floor, from May 24 to September 22, 2024. We were able to visit it in preview.

An emancipated artist

Whistler, the butterfly effect – this is the name of the exhibition – is offered as part of the Normandy impressionist festival. At first glance, nothing seems to connect Whistler to the movement of Claude Monet. However, they both lived at the same time.

Born in 1834 in the United States, James Whistler impacted the art world during his lifetime, living between France and England. While impressionism, in painting, and naturalism, in literature, developed, he chose a singular path, in which he emancipates himself from diktats of his time.

As Florence Calame-Levert, chief curator at the museum, summarizes: “Whistler is special. He is an immense artist who remained on the fringes of impressionism. » And despite his impact during his lifetime, he was gradually forgotten after the First World War. It is therefore “to make him rediscovered” that the Fine Arts welcome his works today.

A major artistic movement of the 19th century

“The butterfly effect” of this exhibition can be found in the multitude of works presented and signed by Whitsler’s contemporaries. Or rather his spiritual children. In very varied registers, this crowd of artists from around the world contributed to the popularization of whistlerism.

Of course, a certain style emerges. We find in abundance The portraits elegant women or dandies, as well as nocturnal landscapes. The distinctive sign of whistlerism is also the tonality of its paintings, with a limited color palette, sometimes monochromes, and very fine painting.

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Also, “each painting by Whistler is an experience,” assures Florence Calame-Levert during the visit.

According to Whistler, a painting should not be linked to sentiment or politics. For him, it is an ordering of shapes and tonal modulations that will create a sensation.

Florence Calame-Levert,chief curator at the Museum of Fine Arts.

Simply put, Whistler and his aspirants seek to awaken all the senses. And this is precisely the aim of this exhibition which invites you to travel and enjoy its atmosphere. This results in light shows and also, for the little ones, in comic strip boxes hidden under tapestries.

Practical information
Whistler, the butterfly effect, is an exhibition to be found from May 24 to September 22, 2024 at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen, during usual opening hours. All the works are presented on the ground floor of the museum.

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