Thierry Neuvic talks about Maxim Nucci, the fathers of Jenifer’s children, and their special bond

Thierry Neuvic talks about Maxim Nucci, the fathers of Jenifer’s children, and their special bond
Thierry Neuvic talks about Maxim Nucci, the fathers of Jenifer’s children, and their special bond

Jenifer, an undisputed star since her victory at Star Academy more than 20 years ago, is also a devoted mother of three children from three different relationships. Recently, Thierry Neuvic, one of the singer’s ex-companions and father of her son Joseph, shared confidences about his understanding with Maxim Nucci, alias Yodelice, father of her first child Aaron.
These revelations shed new light on the family dynamics between these two men.

Thierry Neuvic and Maxim Nucci: dads who are accomplices for Jenifer’s children

Thierry Neuvic, known in particular for his role in the series La Recrue, gave a glimpse of a touching side of his personal life. In a recent interview with Releasehe revealed that despite the complexity of their relationships, he and Maxim Nucci maintain a good understanding, essential for the well-being of their children. “Yodelice’s latest titles”he mentioned when asked about his favorite music, an answer that says a lot about their respectful and complicit relationship.

This harmony also seems to be reflected in their children, who, according to Thierry Neuvic, get along wonderfully despite their age gap of more than 10 years. “It’s the happiest day of my life, welcome my little brother, it was great”according to Aaron, Jenifer’s eldest, at the birth of his half-brother.

Jenifer and her protection of her privacy from her children

Jenifer, very secretive about her personal life, has always taken care to protect her children from the spotlight. For the winner of Star Academy, the protection of her private sphere and that of her children is essential. This desire to preserve the privacy of his children is shared by Thierry Neuvic, who declared: “I chose this profession, which is not the case for the people around me. So I don’t have to involve them.”

The understanding of Thierry Neuvic and Maxim Nucci at the heart of Jenifer’s blended family

In 2021, Jenifer welcomed her third son, Juvanni, the fruit of her marriage to Ambroise Fieschi, an entrepreneur and restaurateur from Corsica. Although the 41-year-old singer remains discreet about her family life, it is clear that harmony between his ex-companions plays a crucial role in the education of her children.
This exemplary understanding between Thierry Neuvic and Maxim Nucci allows Jenifer to manage her professional and personal life with serenity. However, little information circulates on the relationship between her exes and her current companion, Ambroise Fieschi, leaving a certain mystery surrounding this entire family dynamic.



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