Dave Grohl pays moving tribute to Steve Albini on stage

Dave Grohl paid tribute to Steve Albini while he performed with the Foo Fighters on May 9 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“Tonight I’d like to dedicate this song to a friend we lost the other day, who I’ve known for a very long time. He left us far too soon. He touched all your lives, I’m sure. For those of you who know him, you know this. For those who don’t know, remember this name: Steve Albini. So let’s sing for him,” declared Dave Grohl, two days after the legendary producer’s death, before launching an unstoppable My Hero.

An alternative rock legend

If you don’t know who Steve Albini is, his talents as a music producer may indeed be responsible for some of your favorite albums. It is to him that we owe in particular the recording In uteroNirvana’s final album released in 1993.

Subsequently, he produced a host of artists in the alternative rock movement such as PJ Harvey, Mogwai, Bush, the Pixies and Dionysos. Also a singer and guitarist, he fronted the groups Big Black, Rapeman and Shellac.

Steve Albini died of a heart attack. He was 61 years old.



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