Mariana Mazza opens up about her relationship with Alexandre Barrette

Mariana Mazza opens up about her relationship with Alexandre Barrette
Mariana Mazza opens up about her relationship with Alexandre Barrette

Comedian and author Mariana Mazza and host and comedian Alexandre Barrette were together for 6 years and it was only publicly announced last November, after their breakup. Recently invited to a podcast, Mariana Mazza slipped in a few words about their story, which are as follows.

• Read also: Karine Vanasse and Mariana Mazza on vacation together near the water

• Read also: Alexandre Barrette discusses for a rare time his former relationship with Mariana Mazza

It’s on the podcast Between her and him, co-hosted by Anne-Marie Menard And Gaël Comtoisthat Mariana Mazza opened up about male-female friendship, her public image, feminism and, during certain anecdotes, slipped in a few words about her relationship with Alexandre Barrette.

“With Alexandre, our friendly relationship is much healthier than our romantic relationship. We always got along better amicably than in love,” declared the author of the book. Montreal North.

When the host asked why, Mazza replied that she “couldn’t explain it.”

She also admitted to opening up too quickly to others, and that her ex, Alexandre, gave her advice not to put the new friendships in her life “on the same footing” as her older ones.

To listen to the full podcast, click here.




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