PPDA accused of sexual assault: “No one knew”, a former boss of TF1 comes out of silence

PPDA accused of sexual assault: “No one knew”, a former boss of TF1 comes out of silence
PPDA accused of sexual assault: “No one knew”, a former boss of TF1 comes out of silence

A case that caused a lot of noise… In 2021, several women filed a complaint for sexual assault and rape against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor. If 90 of them had testified against the former TF1 star, 17 of them filed a complaintincluding eight for rape and two who were minors at the time of the events.

Wednesday May 8, 2024, at the microphone of France Inter, Robert Namias, former deputy general director of TF1, agreed to speak on this matter. “The story of PPDA, which I find absolutely abominable and tragic, and at the same time once again, I already said it two years ago so I say it very briefly, but we have every reason to believe the testimonies we have heardwhich we have read and which we continue to hear”he first indicated.

Robert Namias: “It’s absolutely false!”

In complete transparency, the former deputy director of the first channel estimated: “The only way to resolve the Poivre problem is through a trial. There is still cause, if only because there is a file which is not prescribed and because, on this occasion, it could there are many testimonies on the stand”before adding: “I think that if there is to be a truth, it can only come out in a courtroom. But beyond that, what struck me a lot when this affair broke out … Because I thought a lot about it and said to myself: ‘Finally, I see all these people who say that everyone knew,’ but it’s not true, no one knew. This is absolutely false!”.

While he claims to have never seen anything, Robert Namias clarified: “The flirting side, honeyed seduction etc. of course everyone saw it. But we don’t talk about that, we’re talking about rape, the most disgusting sexual assaults! No! Is it true, is it false, I don’t know, but in any case what is certain is that we didn’t know. I was very annoyed by the idea that everyone knew. Again, no!”.

Benjamin Castaldi: “Everyone knew it very well”

Facing Léa Salamé, Robert Namias then assured to believe the women who accuse Patrick Poivre d’Arvor. “Totally! These are extremely different testimonies, in extremely diverse situations… Not only in this famous TF1 office today, but the truth is that of course I believe them! How can you not believe them, it’s not possible! There are about sixty of them.”he exclaimed.

On the set of Touche pas à mon poste, on C8, Benjamin Castaldi had assured that everyone was aware of what was happening in Patrick Poivre d’Arvor’s office. “I arrived in 2008, it was an open secret. Honestly, everyone knew. There was a system that had been put in place, to actually bring back young girls. Everyone knew it very well. system, we all knew it At the time, we told friends from the channel: ‘Be careful, don’t go there, don’t take the same elevator’he assured.



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