Painting in the Seine: artists in nature

Painting in the Seine: artists in nature
Painting in the Seine: artists in nature

By Joseph CANU
Published on

May 4, 24 at 5:16 p.m.

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Sunday May 5, 2024more than thirty painters will express themselves on the spot at La Frette-sur-Seine (Val d’Oise) and will host an open-air event entitled Painting in the Seine.

For a day, in a festive atmosphere, painters – confirmed, amateurs or budding artists – will cast their poetic gaze on this small city, in the tradition of impressionists. They will give color to the banks of the Seine and old streets full of charm.

THE children are welcome to share their vision of La Frette, real or dreamed. Walkers, stop in front of the easels and chat with the painters in the middle of their creation, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. They will be happy to explain their conception of art.

The heart of the event will be located on the quay of the Seineopposite the town hall, where the works will be exhibited from 6 p.m., and prizes, awarded by a jury, will reward selected artists. Then, facing the pictorial works created during the day and offered for sale, a friendship Glass will close the event.

If you are a painter and want to participate, it is not too late.

Registration with Les Couleurs de l’Art: 06 76 95 71 15 or by email: [email protected]

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