Jack ABBOTT (writer), Isabelle ADJANI, Aravind ADIGA (Booker Prize), Philippe AGHION (economist, ENS), Pedro ALMODOVAR, Cécile ALDUY (semiologist), Masha AMINI (assassinated in Iran) François ANSERMET (on intersexuality), AR 15 (assault rifle), ATAÏ (Grand Chief Kanak), Henri ATLAN, Martine AUBRY, Nicolas BANCEL (historian), BANKSY, Benjamin BARBER (political philosopher), Jordan BARDELLA (extreme right), Sonia BARNETT (feminist slut walk), Sacha BARON COHEN (or BORAT, actor,) Françoise BARRé-SINOUSSI (2008 Nobel Prize), Jean BAUDRILLARD , Tim BERNERS-LEE (creator of the Web), Jeff BEZOS (boss of Amazon), Dr Fatih BIROL (economist, AIE), Alain BIZOS (photographer), Jean-François BIZOT, Bruno BONNEL (robotician), Daniel BORRILLO (sociologist), Allain BOUGRAIN DUBOURG (League Protecting Birds), Thibault BOULVAIN (art historian), Pierre BOURDIEU, Habib BOURGUIBA, Michel BOZON (sexuality anthropologist), Edmund BURKE (curatorial author), Nick BRANDT (animal photographer), Rutger BREGMAN (historian), Louis BRIGAND (geographer), Philippe BRENOT (sexologist), Judith BUTLER, Valérie CABANES (jurist), Luca Luigi CAVALLI SFORZA (geneticist), Vincent CALLEBAUT (green architect), Jean-Yves CAMUS (politist) , Renaud CAMUS (far right), Rachel CARLSON (biologist), Varlam CHALAMOV (writer), Guillaume CHASLOT (whistleblower), Francis CHÂTEAURAYNAUD (sociologist), Louis CLICHY (animation director), Pierre-Henri CASTEL (psychoanalyst), Malek CHEBEL (anthropologist of Islam), Jacques CHIRAC (on Paris), Daniel COHEN ( economist), Daniel COHN-BENDIT, André COMTE-SPONVILLE (philosopher), Alain CORBIN (historian of mentalities), Christopher COUTANCEAU (chef), Isabelle DELANNOY (eco-economist), Didier DAENINCKX (writer), Etienne DAHO, Jacob DESVARRIEUX (Kassav), Jared DIAMOND, Leonardo DICAPRIO (on ecology), Jean-Pierre DIGARD (animal sociologist), Samuel DOE (president of Liberia ), David DUPUIS (psychedelic studies), Suren ERKMAN (industrial ecology), Cesaria ÉVORA, Alain FINKIELKRAUT (essayist), FOKA WOLF (street-artist), Pierre FOLDÈS (doctor), Benoit FONTAINE (Museum), Brigitte FONTAINE, Carlos FUENTES, Nancy FRASER (gender studies), Francis FUKUYAMA, Bill and Melinda GATES, Niloufer GHOLAMI (journalist, IRAN) , Anthony GIDDENS, (moral sociologist), Martin GIURFA (insect neurobiology), Edouard GLISSANT, Barbara GLOWCSEWSKI (anthropologist), Jane GOODALL, Mélanie GOURARIER (on masculinism), Keith HARING, Francis HALLé (Botanist), Albert HIRSCHMANN (heterodox economist), Marie-France HIRIGOYEN, (sociologist), Tom HODGKINSON (anarchist), Albert HOFMANN ( chemist, inventor of LSD), Michel HOUELLEBECQ, Reha HUTIN (animal cause), Eva ILLOUZ (sociologist of love), Joe JACKSON (musician), Pierre JOUVENTIN (ethologist), Emilie JOUVET (photographer), François JULLIEN (sinologist), Axel KAHN, Daniel KAHNEMAN (Nobel prize in economics), general Janis KARPINSKI ( USA, Iraq War), Rodolphe KASSER (Egyptologist), Douglas KENNEDY (writer), Daniel KEYES (writer), Abdelfattah KILITO (writer), KIRIBATI ISLANDS, Serge KOS (unemployed starved), Satish KUMAR (Indian philosopher), Farhad KHOSROKHAVAR (sociologist of Islam), Jan KOUNEN (filmmaker), Ariel KYROU (literary research), Abdellatif LAÂBI (writer), Hugues LAGRANGE (cultural studies), André LANGANEY (Museum of Man), Daniel LEBEGUE (Transparency International), Annie Le BRUN (writer), John LE CARRÉ, Jean-Marie Gustave LE CLÉZIO, Hervé LE BRAS (demographer), Michel LE BRIS (amazing traveler), Dominique LECOURT (philosopher of science), MARINE LE PEN, Dominique LESTEL (animality philosopher), Gilles LIPOVESTKY (sociologist), Hervé LE TREUT (IPCC, co-Nobel prize 2007), Linda LOVELACE (actress), Pierre-Hervé LUPPI (neurobiology of sleep), Alain MABANKOU, Joseph de MAISTRE (curator), Saba MAHMOUD (anthropologist of Islam), Joseph de MAISTRE (conservative author), George RR MARTIN (writer, Game of Thrones), Rémi MATHIS (Wikipedia), Dennis MEADOWS (Club de Rome), Jules MICHELET (itv in 1846), Stanley MILGRAM, Billy MILLIGAM (The Man with 24 Personalities), Catherine MILLET, Jean-Louis MISSIKA (Paris City Hall), Vladimier MEDINSKY (Putin’s minister), George MONBIOT (environmental journalist), Marilyn MONROE, Edgar MORIN, Baptiste MORIZOT (philosopher), Toni MORRISON, Elon MUSK, John MUTTER (Earth sciences), Taslima NASREEN (writer), Frédéric NIETZSCHE, NTM (rappers), Gavin NEWSOM (democrat, USA), Clara NOVAES (ayahuasca), Suzanne NOSSEL (lawyer, PEN Club), Amélie NOTHOMB, Maria NOWAK (micro-credit), Ruwen OGIEN, Martin OLIVERA (Gypsy studies), Koen OLTHUIS (floating architecture), André ORLEAN (dismayed economist), OVIDIE (director), Amos OZ, Bruno PALIER (political science), Eli PARISER (cognitive bubble), Marylène PATHOU-MATIS (prehistorian), Bertrand PICCARD (explorer, ecologist), Ernest PIGNON-ERNEST (street painter), Thomas PIKETTY, Steven PINKER (psychologist), Kiki PICASSO (graphic designer), Philippe PORTIER (historian of religions), Richard PRINCE (visual artist), RAËL (sect), Guillaume PITRON (environmental reporter), Patrick RAMBAUD (Goncourt prize), Nathaniel RICH (environmental journalist), Jeremy RIFKIN, Alain REY (linguist), ROLLING STONES, Hartmut ROSA, Salman RUSHDIE, Sonia RYKIEL (stylist), RITA MITSOUKO (the duo), Yazid SABEG (Diversity Commissioner), Oliver SACKS, Danièle SALLENAVE (academician), Christian SALMON (medialogist), Boualem SANSAL (writer), Lucas SANTANA (bossa nova), Nicolas SARKOZY, Jacques SÉMELIN (historian), Amartya SEN (economist), SEX DOLL (meeting), Kool SHEN (rapper), Cyndy SHERMAN (visual artist), Rafaele SIMONE (linguist, political scientist), Peter SLOTERDIJK, Philippe SOLLERS, Isabelle SORENTE (writer), Joey STARR (rapper), Vincenzo SUSCA (sociologist of the imagination), Hernando de SOTO (economist), Bernard STIEGLER, Joseph STIGLITZ (2002 Nobel Prize), Audrey TANG (Taiwan minister), Nadia TAZI (studies on gender), Tarun J. TEJPAL (writer, journalist), Michel TERESTCHENKO, Jean-Marie TJIBAOU, Greta THUMBERG (activist), La TOUR MONTPARNASSE (confessions), Martha TORRE-SCHAUB (environmental lawyer), Donald TRUMP, Anna TSING (anthropologist), Sherry TURKLE (ICT psychologist), Luis VALDES (filmmaker), Charline VANHOENACKER (political journalist), Francisco VARELA, Mario VARGAS LLOSA (Nobel Prize for literature 2010), Armando VERDIGLIONE (psychoanalyst), Catherine VIDAL (Pasteur Institute), Eliane VIENNOT (historian), Paul VIRILIO, Jean-Denis VIGNE (Museum), Ronald VIRAG (andrologist), Paul WATZLAVICK, VOLTAIRE, Franz de WAAL (primatologist), Captain Paul WATSON, Dana WYSE (visual artist), Boris WORM (oceanographer), Mo YAN (Nobel Prize for Literature 2012), Samar YAZBEK (writer), Marilyn YALOM (historian), Tarik YILDIZ (on anti-white racism), Muhammad YUNUS (Nobel Peace Prize), Juli ZEH (writer), Eric ZEMMOUR, Shoshana ZUBOFF (economist), Marc ZUCKERBERG (Meta) , Patrick ZYLBERMAN (health historian)…
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