The successive arrests of several Franco-Algerian influencers for having broadcast calls for violence and hatred towards France on social networks have exacerbated the issue of immigration from Algeria. These events triggered a wave of popular support for the proposal for an immediate moratorium on Algerian immigration, particularly among right-wing and far-right voters. Indeed, the National Rally, the main opposition party, welcomes this massive rejection, with 98% of its supporters expressing unconditional support for stopping this immigration.
The poll reveals a major political divide. Supporters of the Republicans (78%) and the right in general (75%) overwhelmingly support this proposal. Supporters of the presidential party, Renaissance, are also largely in favor, with 66% “yes”. However, support for this measure is declining considerably on the left. Among supporters of the Socialist Party, 54% are opposed to the idea of an immediate stop to Algerian immigration. Environmentalists and, above all, supporters of La France insoumise, also reject this proposal, with 66% and 72% “no” respectively.
Read also: Morocco and the EU consolidate their cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration
This political gap results in a total disavowal on the part of the left, which as a whole is against this measure at 63%. An opposition which seems to be nourished by humanist values and a desire to maintain diplomatic ties with Algeria, despite growing frictions.
A transversal rejection: men, women, and generations combined
However, the poll does not reveal major disparities between the sexes: 66% of men and 67% of women support the proposal to stop immigration from Algeria. On the other hand, notable differences appear according to age groups. Young adults, particularly those aged 18 to 24, are the least likely to approve of this idea, with only 56% in favor. On the other hand, 74% of people aged 50 and over, particularly seniors, support this initiative, a trend which undoubtedly reflects a feeling of fear in the face of increasing social tensions.
The results of the survey do not reveal any major divergences depending on the socio-professional status of the respondents. Managers and intermediate professions (CSP+) are slightly less favorable (63%), but the opinion is almost identical among the popular categories (CSP-), with 64% favorable opinions. This phenomenon of convergence of opinions across different social circles reflects a general discontent with a situation perceived as a growing threat to social harmony and security.
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