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Since the end of May, Niger has been experiencing heavy rainfall.

The heavy rains falling on Niger and the serious flooding they cause have already caused 21 deaths and nearly 6,000 victims since the end of May, while the rainy season has just begun, according to officials made public Thursday evening.

“As of June 20, we have across the entire territory (…) 5,926 people affected, 21 deaths including 8 by drowning and 13 by collapse” of homes, the general director announced on public television. of Niger Civil Protection, Colonel Boubacar Bako. Twenty-six injuries were recorded and nearly 4,000 head of cattle were decimated by the floods, he added.

The capital Niamey spared for the moment

The Maradi region (central-south) is the most affected with 14 deaths and 2,404 victims, said Colonel Bako. The capital Niamey and its two million inhabitants, usually hit by deadly floods, is for the moment spared. For several days, the authorities have been sending SMS messages “urging the population” to “stay safe”, “secure livestock” and to call emergency services on a toll-free number in case of emergency.

The rainy season lasts from June to September and regularly causes deaths in Niger, including in the desert areas of this country with a usually dry climate. It was particularly deadly in 2022 with 195 deaths and 400,000 victims.

In 2023, floods caused 52 deaths, 80 injuries and 176,000 victims, according to the Nigerien Ministry of the Interior. According to Niger’s meteorological services, these heavy rains are due to climate change which has been affecting this three-quarters desert country for years.


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