DayFR Euro

“They are going to blow themselves up”: around Eric Ciotti, the hunt is on!

By announcing his desire for an alliance with the RN, Éric Ciotti provoked a real outcry, including within his own camp. The situation even took an incredible turn when the president of LR locked himself in the party headquarters… The political bureau then took over the reins, voting to exclude Eric Ciotti from the presidency of the Republicans. But the politician did not give in, and the court has just ruled in his favor. As announced by Parisian this Saturday June 15, his exclusion has just been suspended. According to an LR advisor, those who rebelled against their leader could pay dearly: “They’re going to blow themselves up…”

Following the now suspended ousting of the party leader, it was the two members responsible for replacing him, Annie Genevard and the head of the European list, François-Xavier Bellamy, who nominated the LR candidates for the legislative elections. But after the decision of the judicial court rendered on Friday June 14, there is no guarantee that these candidates will be able to run under the LR label and benefit from the associated public funding. According to Eric Ciotti’s lawyer, this would even amount to a “criminal offense of theft by organized gang, punishable by prison sentence!” Permanent staff at headquarters could, for their part, be sanctioned for serious misconduct or abandonment of post.

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The Republicans: uncertainty reigns for the legislative elections

It should be noted that the invalidation of the exclusion of Eric Ciotti is a temporary decision, which is only valid “until a final decision on the merits is rendered”as our colleagues at Parisian. The parties concerned have eight days to refer the matter to the lower court, failing which the suspension of the politician’s exclusion will be canceled. However, candidacies for the legislative elections must be submitted before 6 p.m. this Sunday. If Éric Ciotti welcomed the court’s decision by announcing that he was going back into the campaign, many LR candidates don’t know what footing to dance on…

What if a faulty approach or a fundamental decision validated the exclusion of Eric Ciotti, who has just received unexpected support? This one has planned everything: its own candidates are not financially attached to LR, but to its micro-party On the right, Eric Ciotti’s friends. Aware that time is running out, many party candidates have already submitted their candidacy under the LR label, and launched their campaign. Nevertheless, it is entirely possible that they find themselves in the sights of the president of their party, and in competition with another candidate nominated by him – perhaps even one of the 70 joint RN-Republican candidates announced by Jordan Bardella Friday.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage


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