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the programs of the New Popular Front and the RN pose “a very great danger” for the economy, believes Emmanuel Macron

For Emmanuel Macron, the programs of the New Popular Front and the National Rally are “totally unrealistic.” Speaking on the sidelines of the G7 in Italy, the President of the Republic once again put the far-right party and the left-wing coalition back to back, believing that the two projects “pose a very great danger” to the French economy. “Today there are two extreme blocs which have chosen economic programs which are not within the framework of an ethic of responsibility and which promise people gifts which are not financed”, declared the Head of State, just over two weeks before the first round of the legislative elections. This live is now over.

Philippe Poutou candidate for the New Popular Front in Aude. The New Anti-Capitalist Party announced the investiture by the New Popular Front of Philippe Poutou in the first constituency of Aude. “We look forward to this campaign that we will build with all the activists from the different components of the Popular Front”, the NPA said in a statement.

Former minister Aurélien Rousseau joins the New Popular Front. Responsible for Health in the government of Elisabeth Borne until December, when he slammed the door to contest the vote on the immigration law, he was invested by Place publique in Yvelines, said Raphaël Glucksmann’s party . Aurélien Rousseau had also been Elisabeth Borne’s chief of staff at Matignon, notably during the highly contested pension reform.

The exclusion of Eric Ciotti suspended by the courts. “Justice has spoken, I am president of the Republicans”, welcomed the president of LR to the AFP, disowned by most of the party’s executives after announcing an alliance with the National Rally for the legislative elections. His exclusion, voted by the party’s political office twice, Wednesday then Friday, is suspended pending a decision on the merits, according to a decision of the Paris judicial court consulted by franceinfo.

“The fight against racism and anti-Semitism will be at the heart of our project,” promises Fabien Roussel. The LFI, PS, environmentalists and communist leaders held a press conference on Friday to detail their common program. Marching one after the other, they detailed all the promises of the New Popular Front if it arrived in Matignon.


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