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It can live in the open air and devour everything, this snake-headed fish risks invading Europe

On May 25, 2024, a fisherman from the state of Missouri (United States) caught a strange fish called “northern snakehead fish”, or Channa argus of its scientific name. It was the fourth specimen discovered since 2019 in this American state, according to biologists. However, this one originates from Asia. Considered an invasive species, this reptile-like fish worries the country’s authorities but also the European Union, reports Science and Future .

The animal, which can measure up to a meter long and weigh 5 kg, takes its name from its particular appearance, reminiscent of a snake because of its wide-set eyes and its scales with particular patterns. After identifying the species, “the fisherman left him on the sidewalk for several hours thinking he was going to die, but he did not die”said Dave Knuth, biologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation, in a press release.

A species of concern

A rare characteristic for a fish, the Channa argus can survive outside of water for several days, provided its skin remains moist, since it can breathe air. But its presence is a danger for biodiversity. Very aggressive, it attacks many species in the territory where it is found. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, it eats “all the prey that can fit in its large mouth”composed of numerous sharp teeth.

In addition, the animal tends to monopolize the resources of other species in the surrounding area, such as their food or their habitat, and has no predators in the United States. Added to this is a significant reproductive capacity, “up to five times a year, the females releasing around 50,000 eggs each time”according to Missouri authorities.

According to the International Conservation Union, it is because of humans that this fish spread “outside its original range”. In 2022, the European Union added it to its list of invasive alien species of concern.


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