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Bye-bye slugs, here is the best product to fight garden pests according to 60 million consumers

The slugs better watch out! The magazine 60 Million consumers has decided and designated the best product to fight against these terrestrial molluscs. A gardener’s nightmare, slugs can cause considerable damage in the vegetable garden, sometimes depriving you of your harvest to your great dismay.

Yes, slugs are great gourmands. They devour everything in their path: young shoots, leaves, salads are the delight of these shellless gastropods which also do not hesitate to attack the stems and flowers. So to avoid seeing your efforts reduced to nothing, there is
some solutions to keep these unwanted visitors away from your garden. However, slugs also have their uses in the garden.

60 million consumers have chosen the best slug repellent

Indeed, these devours of plants of all kinds can prove to be real allies by thus contributing to the balance of the ecosystem. Slugs participate in particular in the decomposition of organic waste. They also represent prey for many species, thus encouraging the biodiversity. This is enough to change the way we look at this unloved mollusk.

However, when these gastropods are in excessive numbers, it is necessary to take certain measures to avoid their proliferation. For this, natural solutions exist such as placing crushed eggshells around the plants to create a natural barrier. Coffee grounds have also proven themselves. While slugs hate caffeine, they are attracted to the smell of beer. So, by pushing a cup filled with beer into the ground, there is a good chance that the animal will be trapped.

photo credit: Shutterstock The best slug repellent according to 60 million consumers

Ten anti-slug product references scrutinized

If, despite all this, the slugs have not decided to dislodge the vegetable garden, the magazine 60 Million consumers has found the ultimate solution to overcome it. For this, ten references from anti-slug product were put to the test. The magazine then looked at the effectiveness of each product, their safety for other animals and plants, their impact on the environment as well as their value for money. All these analyzes made it possible to highlight a reference that stands out among the others: the anti-slug of the
brand Protecta.

According to information collected by the site My Garden & My House, this slug repellent obtained the rating of 16 out of 20. It sells for 12.90 euros and comes in the form of ready-to-use granules. Concerning its composition, Protecta slug repellent contains
dehydrated ferric phosphateoften used as an alternative to more aggressive chemicals.

Getting rid of slugs with an environmentally friendly product

Indeed, the advantage of ferric phosphate lies in the fact that its impact on the environment is considerably reduced. he is also safe for domestic animals, but also for wildlife which would not be targeted by this type of product. The Protecta slug repellent therefore combines a solution efficient and ecological to overcome these gastropods. As for its mode of action, it will be fatal. Indeed, when ingested by the mollusc, ferric phosphate will cause its digestive metabolism to stop, thus leading to its death.

Not insignificant little extra: its format. Indeed, its presentation in the form of ready-to-use granules makes this product easy to use. To do this, simply scatter the slug repellent around the plants in the garden or vegetable patch. For optimal effectiveness, it is recommended to spread it after rain or after watering the plant. The reason ? humidity attracts slugs, its effectiveness will therefore only be reinforced.


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