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“Russia will probably be able to attack NATO by the end of this decade,” warns German intelligence

German intelligence services are sounding the alarm. Bruno Kahl, the head of German foreign intelligence (BND), affirmed during a hearing in the Chamber of Deputies that Russia could be in a position to directly attack NATO by 2030, reports TF1. According to him, “ direct military conflict with NATO becomes an option for Russia “. This statement reflects growing concern within NATO forces over the rise of Russian military capabilities since the outbreak of war in Ukraine in February 2022.

German foreign intelligence services are not the only ones to share this concern. Their military and domestic intelligence counterparts also confirm that Russia is escalating its actions. Martina Rosenberg, president of the military counterespionage service, highlighted a “ significant increase in acts of espionage and sabotage » aimed at the German army. These acts, which are clearly increasing, demonstrate a more aggressive Russian strategy, according to German intelligence.

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To illustrate the seriousness of the situation, Bruno Kahl used a striking metaphor, comparing the Russian threat to “ a real hurricane “. He explained that this threat, which primarily affects the Baltic States and Poland, is gradually moving westward. According to him, Russia aims to drive the United States out of Europe and redefine NATO’s borders to create a new ” sphere of influence ».

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London does not share Berlin’s concerns

The concerns of German intelligence are not necessarily shared by the other major military powers on the European continent. The United Kingdom remains perplexed about Moscow’s capabilities to directly confront a coalition of NATO member countries. In September, the head of British diplomacy, David Lammy, brushed aside Russian warnings about a possible authorization granted to kyiv to use long-range missiles supplied by the West, which according to Vladimir Putin would mean that “NATO countries are at war with Russia”.

So, to the question: “Do you think Vladimir Putin is lying when he puts the threat of nuclear war on the table? »the senior British official responded, during an interview with the BBC: “I think what Putin is doing is throwing smoke and mirrors. These are boasts. This is his modus operandi.”.


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